Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year

As 2010 comes to a close, I wish you and your families the very best and Happy New Year.  May your new year full of happiness. 


I got something to share krub.  It's about American frontier justice.  What I about to share is from the movie called 'The Ox-Bow Incident' staring Henry Fonda.  It is a private letter of a rancher to his wife who was wrongly accused of stealing cattle and murdered the owner.  The letter was given to Mr. Davies who opposed the action.



My dear wife,


Mr. Davies will tell you what's happening here to night

He's a good man and has done everything he can for me

I suppose there are some other good men here too---

Only they don't seem to realize what they're doing

They're the ones I feel sorry for---

"Cause it'll be over for me in a little while

"But they'll have to go on remembering for the rest of their lives

"Man just naturally can't take the law into their own hands and hang people without hurting everybody in the world

"Cause then he's not just breaking one law but all laws

"Law's a lot more than words you put in a book

"Or judges or lawyers or sheriffs you hire to carry it out

"It's everything people ever have found out about justice and what's right and wrong

"It's the very conscience of humanity

"There can't be such a thing as civilization unless people have a conscience

"Because if people touch God anywhere where is it except through their conscience?

"And what is anybody's conscience except a little piece of the conscience of all men that ever lived?

He later in the letter wished his wife well.


Best Regards,


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